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Rescuing Against the Clock: ERT GEMS Sumatra in Action at the 1st SFRC 2024

The Emergency Response Team (ERT) GEMS Sumatra took part in the 1st Sumatra Fire & Rescue Challenge (SFRC) 2024 competency at PT Bukit Asam Tbk, Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra.

15 mining companies in Sumatra attended this prestigious competition. There are 5 series of fire & rescue competitions that are contested and all participants must pass.

The first challenge is the Firefighter Competency Test (FCT). FCT consists of 2 parts, a written test and a skills test. In the written test, participants must answer questions about rescue knowledge which must be completed simultaneously within the specified time. Meanwhile, for the Skills test, each participant is asked to demonstrate their skills in using emergency response equipment and also providing medical assistance.

The second challenge is Structural Fire Fighting (SFF). In the SFF challenge, participants are asked to demonstrate rescue, firefighting, and property conservation activities on a building, enclosed structure, or similar property involved in a fire or emergency.

The third challenge is Water Rescue (WR). In this WR challenge, ERT GEMS Sumatra had to rescue 2 boat accident victims in the water as quickly as possible to provide medical assistance. This challenge was completed in 23 minutes from the maximum time limit of 30 minutes.

The fourth challenge is Road Accident Rescue (RAR). In the RAR challenge, ERT GEMS Sumatra had to race against time to release and treat patients in a simulated road accident with the right techniques.

The fifth challenge is the Firefighter Fitness Drill (FFFD) & Firefighter Combat Challenge (FCC). FFD aims to test the fitness level and physical strength of the rescuers, testing the fundamental abilities of the rescuers in terms of Strength, Speed, Endurance, Flexibility & Balance. Meanwhile, at FCC, participants have to go through a series of physical challenges that simulate fire situations and the tasks that firefighters must face in real situations.

ERT GEMS Sumatra completed the entire series of challenges at the 1st SFRC 2024. Even though we have not succeeded in becoming champions, our enthusiasm and struggle have never faded. Keep up the good work and let's burn our spirit for the 2nd SFRC 2025 in North Sumatra.

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